mudraya_ptica (mudraya_ptica) wrote,

про картинки про концепцию

Сначала я порылась на викискладе, там картинок по теме ну очень много, все прекрасные, с трудом ограничила себя).
Потом все-таки прошлась по музейным сайтам, нашла там еще несколько занятных концепций и не смогла удержаться.
Поэтому тут получилось достаточно много изображений.

Allegory of the Immaculate Conception. Grégoire Huret (French, Lyon 1606–1670 Paris). 17th century
Inscription: At lower left: Greg. Huret. inu. et f. Cum Priuil. Regis
At bottom center: [...]CTISSIMÆ ET AVGVSTISSIMÆ DEI-PARÆ / VIRGINI MARIÆ SINE MACVLA / CONCEPTÆ. / Inimicitias ponam inter te et Mulierem et / Semen tuum et Semen illius, ipsa conteret Caput / tuum, et tu insidiaberis calcaneo eius. / Te metteras aussis Inimitie entre toy & la Femme, / entre ta semence et la semence j'icelle, icelle / teb isera la teste et tu luyespieras le talon. / [trimmed at bottom / A LA TRES SAINCTE ET TRES SACRÉE VIERGE MAR / MERE DE DIEV, ET A L'HONNEVR DE SON IMMACVL[...] / CONCEPTION.

В основном, конечно, концепцию изображали в испаноязычной части мира и так же в основном по описанному канону, составленному тестем Веласкеса. Они чудесны, но малоинтересны. Постаралась отобрать с отличиями от стандарта.
Сначала музейные картинки.
Всё без хронологии и практически без комментариев.

The Virgin in glory, standing on clouds surrounded by angels holding the symbols of the Immaculate Conception; after Bernardo Castello. 1605.
Слева внизу, по всей видимости, лестница Иакова и она наводит меня на размышления об архитектурных деталях и символах.

God the Father and the Virgin Mary, sitting with her head against him
Drawn by: Giovanni Battista Trotti. School/style Cremonese. 1570-1619
Inscribed: "RAFAEL"

An allegory of the Immaculate Conception, with the Infant Virgin between St Anne and St Joachim; a podium flanked by classical columns with the Virgin standing on a crescent and a snake holdin a lily at centre, flanked by St Joachim at left and St Anne at right, the Holy Spirit and God on a cloud with putti heads above.
Print made by Schelte Adamsz. Bolswert. After Gerard Segers. 1600-1659
Lettered in Latin with dedication in lower margin in three lines: "Reuerendo in Christo Patri Ildephonso de Buyca Societatis Iesv ... / ... de las Filippinas." signed by P.Fabianus Lopez of the Society of Jesus. Along the bottom an indulgence in Spanish: "Todos los que tuuieren y venerarem esta Imagen del glorioso S.Ioachin ganan todas las Indulgencias de las Filippinas"
Curator's comments: A print evidently made for the export market to the Philippines.

The Virgin of the Immaculate Conception, standing on the globe, the crescent moon behind her, holding the Child who spears the serpent at her feet with his Cross, angels in the sky behind
After Carlo Maratti. 1675-1720

The Virgin on a crescent moon in the heavens with God the Father above and St Michael holding a crown, the dragon vanquished at his feet. early XVIIIc, as reprinted in 1774
Print made by Francesco Faraone Aquila. After Pietro Santi Fanti. Published by Carlo Losi
1700-1740. Published in Rome

Recueil d'estampes d'après les plus célèbres tableaux de la Galerie Royale de Dresde
The Immaculate Conception and the Doctors of the Church, after a lost painting by Dosso & Battista Dossi; in the upper section the Virgin kneeling before God, among clouds, surrounded by angels and cherubic heads; below, the four Latin Fathers of the Church, with Sts Gregory, Ambrose and Augustine on the right, and St Jerome with a monk saint on the left.
After Dosso Dossi. Intermediary draughtsman Francesco Gandini. Print made by Philipp Andreas Kilian
School/style Italian. German. c.1750/57
Curator's comments
After a painting originally executed for the Duomo in Modena; formerly in the Gemäldegalerie of Dresden and destroyed during World War II.

The doctors of the church
The doctors or fathers of the church, disputing the doctrine of the Immaculate Conception, with the Virgin appearing above as in heaven; after the painting by Reni known as 'The Disputa' in the Hermitage Museum, St Petersburg. 1785
Published by John Boydell. After Guido Reni. Print made by William Sharp. London
Curator's comments
This impression is from vol. II of the Houghton Gallery (see 2005,U.109 for comment). The painting by Reni was previously owned by Robert Walpole, and was part of the collection at Houghton Hall until 1779, when it was sold to the Imperial Collection of Russia.

St John the Baptist explaining the doctrine of the Immaculate Conception to Sts Gregory, Augustine, and John Chrysostom, with the Virgin with her feet on the moon in the heavens above them.
Print made by Nicolas Dorigny. After Carlo Maratti. Published by Giovanni Giacomo de' Rossi. 1687. Rome
Lettered with dedication by the engraver to Cardinal Alderano Cybo, as follows: 'hanc immaculatae Virginis Mariae Conceptionis tabulam a Carolo Maratti pictore praestantissimo depictam, a se delineatam, et aere incisam, humillime dedicat et consecrat', followed by 'Io. Iacobus de Rubeis formis Romae ad Templum S. M. de Pace cum Privilegio S. Pont. Anno 1687'
Curator's comments
After the painting of 1686 in the Cybo Chapel, Santa Maria del Popolo, Rome.
Мне нравятся эти картинки про диспутирующих отцов и докторов. А ведь им еще Иоанн Креститель всё объяснил.

The Immaculate Conception; the crowned Virgin with Child standing on a sphere and crushing a snake, two angels on either side, clouds around; after Peter Paul Rubens. 1659
Curator's comments
After the painting by Rubens in Museo del Prado, Madrid, (Rooses 138).
Reproduces Bolswert's engraving in reverse (Schneevoogt 75.1).

The Immaculate Conception; the crowned Virgin with Child standing on a sphere and crushing a snake, the Virgin holds a sceptre in her right hand and an orb in her other hand; blank background; first state before dedication; after Peter Paul Rubens. 1644
Lettered in lower margin left "Pet. Paul. Rubbens pinxit / Matt. Borrekens sculpsit", right "Martinus vanden Enden excudit"
Curator's comments
After an unknown painting by Rubens (Rooses 139).

Virgin of the Immaculate Conception. Fulda Pottery and Porcelain Manufactory (German, 1764–1789). ca. 1781
Inscription: Painted in gold on front: Script S[ancta] M[aria] M[ater] D[ei]

Картинки из вики

Virgin Mary, 18th century. (San Francisco Church in San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico)

Alegoría de la Virgen Inmaculada. Attributed to Juan de las Roelas (circa 1570–1625). Primera mitad del siglo XVII (National Sculpture Museum (Valladolid))

Inmaculada Concepción. Baltasar de Echave Ibía (ca. 1585 - 1644), first half of 17th century (Museo Nacional de Arte)

Basilio Santa Cruz. Immaculate Virgin Victorious over the Serpent of Heresy. from 1670 until 1690 (Museo de Arte de Lima (MALI))

Из книжки Conceptvs chronographicvs de concepta sacra Deipara : Septingentis Sacrae Scripturae, ss. patrum, ac rationum, nec non historiarum, symbolorum, antiquitatum, et anagrammatum suffragiis roboratus : ac totidem praefixis chronographicis, annum currentem prodentibus copiose instructus : occasione saeculi, hoc eodem anno septima vice absoluti, et celebrati, a patribus Benedictinis liberi, ac imperialis monasterii ad SS. Udalricum, & Afram, Augustae Vindelicorum
Year: 1712 (1710s)
Authors: Zoller, Josephus, d. 1750 Leidenhoffer, Philipp Jakob, d. 1714 Asem, Johann Banawiz, J. C Labhart, Johann Michael
Publisher: Augustae : Typis Joannis Michaëlis Labhart, Reverendiss. ac Sereniss. Principis & Episcopi Augustani, typographi
(University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign)

Crivelli, immacolata concezione, 1490s

Immaculada Concepción Pieve Collegiata. Raffaellino dal Colle (1495–1566). 1556.

Fresco of the Immaculata, Basilica de La Macarena, Seville

Immaculate Conception (unknown date), by Joaquim Manuel da Rocha (1727–1786). Currently in the Sacristy of the Church of the Paulists, in Lisbon, Portugal.

Immaculata (18th cent), Unknown artist (Museo_Diocesano, Agrigento)

Francisco Pacheco (1564–1644). Inmaculada con Miguel del Cid. 1619 (Seville Cathedral)
А это вроде бы тот самый создатель канона

José Camarón y Bononat (1731–1803). Inmaculada Concepción. between circa 1775 and circa 1785 (Museum of Lázaro Galdiano)

José Camarón y Bononat (1731–1803). Inmaculada Concepción coronada por la Santísima Trinidad, ca. 1755, colección privada (Zaragoza).

Statues of Our Lady of Salambao in Nuestra Señora de Salambao Parish Church (Binuangan, Obando, Bulacan‎)

Luca Mombello. Immaculata and God the Father. circa 1560–1580 (Pinacoteca Tosio Martinengo)

Pieter Claeissens the Elder (circa 1500–1576). The Immaculate Conception. 1550-1575 (Bonnefanten Museum)

Juan de las Roelas (circa 1570–1625). Alegoría de la Virgen Inmaculada. 1616 (National Sculpture Museum (Valladolid))

St_Joachim and Young Mary Immaculata (18th cent), Unknown artist (Museo Diocesano - Agrigento)

Giovanni Battista Tiepolo (1696–1770). The Immaculate Conception. 1767 - 1768 (Prado Museum)

Virgin Mary of the Immaculate, my own personal collection. 18th century Guatemalan artwork.

Алтарны абраз 1-й пал. XVII ст. з Ваўкавыскага р-на Гродзенскай вобл. МСБК

De schepen in de baai van Concepción, 1615, anonymous, 1646
Корабли в бухте Консепсьон в Чили, 3 июня 1615. Часть иллюстраций в отчете о поездке Joris ван Шпильберген по всему миру, 1614-1617, No. 6.

Tags: живопись, искусство, красота, музей, символы, цивилизация

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