Виндзорский замок в наше время (Windsor Castle in Modern Times)
Портрет королевы Виктории и принца Альберта с королевской принцессой (Portrait of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert with the Princess Royal)
Print made by Thomas Lewis Atkinson. Print made by Frederick Stacpoole (etching). After Edwin Landseer. Published by Henry Graves & Co
1851. London
680х798 millimetres
Подпись художников на лицевой стороне карандашом:'E Landseer // T L Atkinson'; lettered below the image 'London Published Novmerb 5th,, 1851, by Henry Graves & Comp,,y 6, Pall Mall'.
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Thomas Lewis Atkinson
The Foresters Family
Print made by Thomas Lewis Atkinson. After Edwin Landseer. Published by Henry Graves & Co. Published by Williams, Stevens & Co. Published by Goupil
1854. London, New York, Paris
658х928 millimetres
Lettered below the image with the title in open letters, dedication to the owner of the original, the King of the Belgians, and 'Painted by Sir E. Landseer R.A. // London, Published June 21st. 1854, by Henry Graves & Comp.y, Publishers to Her Majesty, and H.R.H. Prince & Princess Albert, 6 Pall Mall. // Engraved by T.L. Atkinson. // Goupil and Co. Paris [... another word, too faint to read] // New York, Published by Williams, Stevens, and Company, June 21st. 1854, and entered according to Act of Congress, in the Clerks Office, of the District Court of the United States, of the Southern Division of New York.'
Bethlehem; the Holy Family gathered in a ruined building, with adoring shepherds
Print made by Thomas Lewis Atkinson. After William Charles Thomas Dobson. Published by Henry Graves & Co
1862. London
648х910 millimetres
Signed in pencil by the engraver on the recto 'WCT Dobson'; lettered above the image 'London, Published Dec,,r 1st,, 1862, by Henry Graves & Co,, the Proprietors, Publisher to the Queen _ 6 Pall Mall'
Print made by Thomas Lewis Atkinson. After Joseph Henri François Van Lerius. Published by Henry Graves & Co. Published by William Schaus
1867. London, New York
680(trimmed?)х835 millimetres
Lettered below the image with the title in open letters, and 'Painted by J. Van Lerius // Engraved by T.L. Atkinson. // New York: Published January 1st,, 1870, by W. Shaus 749 Broadway and Henry Graves & Co. 6 Pall mall, London. // Entered according to the Act of Confress in the year 1870, by W. Schaus, in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States, for the Southern District of New York.'; lettered above the image 'New York: Published January 1st,, 1870, by W. Shaus 749 Broadway'; signed in pencil on the recto by the painter 'JVan Lerius'
Who Speaks First? (The Hall)
Print made by Thomas Lewis Atkinson. After Thomas Jones Barker. Published by B Brooks
1877. London
685х528 millimetres
Lettered below the image with the title in open letters, and 'Painted by Tho.s Jones Barker. // London, Published, September 29th,, 1877, by B. Brooks & Sons, 171, Strand. // Engraved by T.L. Atkinson.'; lettered above the image 'London, Published, Sept,,r 29th 1877 by B. Brooks & Sons 171, Strand.'
Молодая женщина в светлом платье с крестом на шее, с темными волосами, просто уложенными, сидит на краю травы под деревом и смотрит на разбитое блюдо с розами, лежащее на переднем плане
Print made by Thomas Lewis Atkinson. Published by Henry Graves & Co. Published by Knoedler & Co
1879. London, Washington DC
737х630 millimetres
Signed in pencil on the recto by the engraver 'T L Atkinson'; lettered above the image 'London, Published Sept,,r 13th,, 1839, by Henry Graves & Co,, the Proprietors Publishers to H.M. the Queen and to T.R.H. the Prince & Princess of Wales, 6, Pall Mall. Copyright Registered. Entered according to Act of Congress in the Year 1879 by M. Knoedler & Co,, in the Office of the Librarian of Congress at Washington.'
His Higness the Maharajah Duleep Singh, G.C.S.I.
Print made by Thomas Lewis Atkinson. After James A Goldingham. Published by Colnaghi
1882. London
580х405 millimetres
Lettered below the image with the title in semi-filled letters and 'Painted by J.A. Goldingham // Engraved by T.L. Atkinson. // London, Published December 20th,, 1882 by Martin Colnaghi 11 Haymarket.'
Леди Годива уже была намедни)
George Atkinson
The Last Moments of Mary Queen of Scots
Print made by George Atkinson. After Henry Barraud. Published by Ackermann. Published by Henry Barraud
1863. London
705х560 millimetres
Lettered below the image with the title in open letters, quotation: '" As thy arms, O Jesu, were stretched upon the Cross so receive me / into the outstretched arms of thy mercy, and forgive me my sins." / Last Words of Mary Queen of Scots', and 'Painted by H. Barraud. // London: Published Aug.t 12th.. 1863, by Henry Barraud, 96, Gloucester Place, Portman Square / & R. & A. Ackermann, 191 Regent St. // Engraved by G. Atkinson.'
Frank Atkinson
Art and Nature
Print made by Frank Atkinson. After J E Soder. Published by Leggatt Bros
1882. London
165х205 millimetres
Scratched below the image with the title in open letters, and 'Painted by J E Soder // Published, Sep,,r 1,,st 1882 by E.E. Leggatt, 40, Fenchurch S,,t E.C. Copyright Registered // Engraved by Frank Atkinson.'
The Cut Direct
Print made by Frank Atkinson. After Henry Stacy Marks. Published by Thomas McLean
1893. London
380х455 millimetres
Lettered below the image with the title in open letters, and 'Painted by H. Stacey Marks, R.A. // Engraved by F. Atkinson'; above the image 'London, Published by Thomas McLean, Publisher to Her Majesty, January 2nd,, 1893, 7, Haymarker S.W.'